ASP is registered at the Rivne State University of Humanities. It is a non-governmental and non-profit organization.

We are focused in three different fields: education, culture and social life.

The main objectives of the organization are: to incorporate the principles of democracy and multiculturalism into the educational process; implement innovative teaching technologies and approaches; promote combination of formal and   informal education; encourage intercultural learning, active citizenship and leadership; develop and support the cooperation in the field of national and European values. We also aim to facilitate youth cultural initiatives in the field of heritage protection, development of cultural and creative potential of youth.

Active involvement of people with fewer opportunities into cultural and artistic life of the country and the promotion of inclusive art in the Ukrainian society and abroad are in the circle of our interests.

We encourage young people to be engaged in volunteering work in educational, cultural, social sectors.

We foster mobility of the young people of our town communities in EU countries.

ASP activities are directed toward the creation of positive image of Ukraine in the international cultural space; development of the national and international partner network in the sphere of cultural and creative industries. Our vision is to support cultural diversity and strengthen the role of culture in young people’s life.

The first reporting conference of the students’ problematic research group of Rivne State University of the Humanities regarding Actual problems of tolerance and intercultural communication on the stage of European Integration of Ukraine under the leadership of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor T. Bilous took place on April 16th, 2021. The research students’ group works in the cooperation with NGO “Rivne Regional Association of School Partners (ASP)”.

The results of scientific-methodological research conducted by the students during pedagogical school practice were discussed. The issues tackled during the conference concerned intercultural competence development among the schoolers of different age groups, modern methodologies and techniques of effective tolerance teaching and schoolers intercultural competence development, and the role of educational resources in this process.

Vyshnevska Iryna, Volkovska Iryna, Serheichuk Nataliia, Liuklianchuk Yelyzaveta, Dytiuk Olha, Samsoniuk Yana, Tymoshchuk Tetiana presented their research results.

H. Nikolaichuk, the Dean of the Faculty of Philology, I. Nohachevska, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, D. Kapeliukh, Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the Faculty of Philology took part in the discussion.

Rivne Regional Association of School Partners (ASP)

Previous experience

We have successfully implemented the following projects:

October, 2019-2022: “BUILD” main objectives are: to promote the European Union’s opportunities for young people with fewer opportunities and youth workers through Key Action 3 of Erasmus+ among 1500 participants from 19 countries during the entire implementation of the project; to develop the specific skills to approach the young people with fewer opportunities’ needs and challenges in structured dialogue projects and inclusive youth policies of youth workers from 19 countries during the training and coaching program during the training course in Romania ;  to include the needs and challenges of young people with fewer opportunities from different local communities, identified after different consultations, into the local youth strategies and policies through  structured dialogue projects.

Ferbuary - June, 2017; October-May, 2019: The Volunteer Social and Educational Project “Activation of Foreign Language Practice of ATO Participants” based on the Rivne Regional Scientific and Methodological Centre for Innovations in Education of Rivne State University of Humanities.

December, 2012 - February, 2019: “Youth in Action”. International youth project Erasmus+ “Tolerance and Intercultural Dialogue” Cultural Youth Exchange in Rivne (Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Italy, England). The program aimed to prepare the part of the program and work out the plan for the educational non-formal activities and communication in the international camp, to conduct the workshops for the mixed groups of students as well as to develop different types of tolerance – ethnic, social, gender, religious, age, economical, political. Series of presentations, workshops, trainings, discussions, debates and social research promoted the effective intercultural dialogue among the participants.

May, 2009 - October, 2009: IREX “Creation of Rural Media Centers in Polonne District Schools”. Centers maintained regular communications with partners and donors; assisted changing the character of students-school-community through local community mobilization, conducted/organized training sessions, net-worked for the creation of the district schools Media I-net, web sites creation, organized School for Young reporters and web designers.

February-April, 2006: Coordinated the project “The TESOL Network Development”, Regional English Language Office, PAS, U.S. Embassy Organized and conducted the outreach meetings in the Rivne region with the presentation of the TESOL organization, Logistics and support for the training sessions for the leaders of the created local TESOL groups, wrote and published articles for the Newsletter, prepared presentations for the TESOL Ukraine Leaders’ Meeting.

April - November, 2005: “Building Donor Partnerships for Providing the Equal Access to Quality Education”. Democracy Grants, US Embassy. Work in field of community/school mobilization and partnership building, organizing/conducting meetings with local authorities, NGOs an business, maintaining accurate budgetary and programmatic reporting, conducting trainings for the village and small towns school directors and the community members, publishing booklets, CD, compiling reports on activities of the project as needed, conducting the presentational events in Ukraine, etc.

May, 2004 - June, 2004: Rivne Local coordinator of I’EARN-Ukraine in the Internet social project for the disabled people “Marching to Internet Together” with the support of the Canadian Embassy in Ukraine. Tasks: coordinating and net- working, mobilizing, managing and delivering all the inputs required from local partners for successful setup and work of the Regional Rehabilitation Centre for disabled children, creating in partnership the web site for the students.

April, 2004 - December, 2004: “Anthology of the Adapted Innovations” (publication of the collection of articles on the interactive, innovative methodological approaches in teaching worked out/adapted by the US Alumni.)

January, 2003 - October, 2003: Initiated and conducted the project “All-Year- Round Leaders’ School” ( US Embassy, PAS) to support the creation of the US Alumni Ukrainian Net, conducted training sessions for the leaders of the regional initiative groups of the Alumni.

December, 2001 - May, 2002: Organized and coordinated with the support of the LIGP/USA program, “Teaching Innovations in Rivne Schools”. Prepared a detailed plan of actions and budget estimates for workshops, seminars, trainings, organized events to explore new ways of networking, sharing experiences and disseminating teaching ideas to make teaching more relevant, up-to-dated, engaging, and responsive; organized computer training courses for the Internet project work, prepared reports and presentations, etc.


Halyna Nikolaichuk

Rivne State University of Humanities

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Addres: Plastova str. 31/307,

Rivne 33300, Ukraine


In March-June 2021, the European Union Delegation to Ukraine is conducting an educational project “EU Study Days”. Students, post-graduate students and graduates of higher education institutions from all over Ukraine were selected through questionnaires and online testing to verify their knowledge on European issues and the history of Ukraine-EU relations. Only some of the applicants succeeded to become participants in the project. We are glad that the participants of the research problem group of our university, who work on the topic “Actual problems of tolerance and intercultural communication at the stage of European integration processes of Ukraine” (head – Assoc. Prof. T. M. Bilous), successfully passed all the tests. These students are members of Rivne regional public organization “Association of Partner Schools” (head – Prof. H. I. Nikolaichuk). Therefore, our greetings go to the students of the Philology Faculty of Rivne State University of Humanities: Iryna Vyshnevska, Nataliia Serheichuk, Iryna Volkovska, Olha Dytiuk, Tetiana Tymoschuk and Yana Samsoniuk!

 “EU Study Days” project was created for young people who share European values and want to learn more about the European Union and its relations with Ukraine, as well as for those who have their own ideas and are looking for opportunities to implement them together with like-minded people. During their studies at the Euroschool, the participants will have the opportunity to meet with leading speakers: diplomats and experts on Ukraine’s integration into the European space. Training modules include lectures, discussions and live communication, which will significantly improve the knowledge concerning the EU cooperation with Ukraine. The working languages of the project are Ukrainian and English. The minimum required level of the English language proficiency is B2.

In 2021, twelve “EU Study Days” online training modules are planned. Euroschool participants will also present their own mini-projects aimed at promoting community interests, ideas regarding European integration, communication, prevention of misinformation and more. These mini-projects will be implemented jointly with the representatives of EU Networks (Euroclubs, EU information centres, experts of Team Europe Ukraine, graduates of EU Study Days, Erasmus +, College of Europe).

On March 16, during the first online meeting on the occasion of the opening of “EU Study Days”, the Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine Matti Maasikas answered the questions of the participants and shared his personal experience.

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