Laying the groundwork How to Plan the Development of a Youth Strategy. Ongoing consultation: how to conduct a research and consultation methods World Café Participatory Youth Policy: how to involve stakeholders, at all stages of the policy cycle. The groups worked out the topics and thought about the questions they may answer while solving the problems. It was involving and exciting for the young people. The next session during the day was devoted to monitoring, evaluating and learning which developed the skills of evaluating the action plans and the importance of this activity for the success of the matter. Every day the international groups of participants have competitions Top 10. The quizzes help know better each members of the group and practice English. During the session The Level of Participation in Communities give the chance to express everyone’s opinion. To relax during the training the energizers are of great support. In the evening the participants enjoyed Intercultural Evening event with the presentation of culture from Armenia, Turkey, Russia, Italy and Greece.